Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Wind

The wind blows seemingly aimless. It brushes by, whirls around and sifts through using its objects as instruments with which it plays a customized composition. It sings differently though the pines than through the aspen groves; differently again through the rain than through the prairie grasses. It howls as it echoes against impenetrable granite and rushes madly as it is channeled through a narrow canyon. Oh the delicious, sparkling breeze which carries the ocean’s mists! How subtle the whooshing sound as it lifts the soaring eagle up upon its back!

There are times when the wind is ruthless. The shriek of the hurricane has power to tear apart in mighty gusts; a sharp contrast to the melody of a mild spring day suspending on its breath the delicate Painted Lady butterfly! It is often warm and comforting, sometimes frigid and sobering, never predictable, but always singing the appropriate song for the season, though it may sometimes seem to us out of sorts.

So it is with the Spirit. He plays skillfully through each unique soul the composition, perfectly accompanying the story the Master orchestrates in the lives of His instruments.

Oh Mighty Wind of God, train me to listen for the unique composition you sing through not only my own soul but the beautiful souls of those you place near me. May you create a pleasing harmony for Your pleasure as I brush up against the other instruments in your great symphony; though it may at times sound to my ear discordant. May you grant me an attentive heart yearning to savor the song, be it barely breezing or wildly whistling. Gift me with patience for prolonged periods of silence. Keep me penetrable that I may rustle like an Aspen rather than echo like a boulder. Grant me sensitivity to your constant whirring over, around and through the happenings of living. May my ear be ever pricked anticipating Your song as spontaneous and evergreen as the wind through the Pines.

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
John 3:8